Registration to OZBD is Free?
Yes, registration to OZBD is 100% Free available to any size of business. Even if you have multiple businesses you can register up to 10 businesses without any issues.
Why OZBD is FREE Business Listing?
We believe good things are FREE and widely available for the general public, hence we created a platform which can give you FREE business listing and grow with our highly marketed website.
How many Images/Brochure I can upload to Website?
You can upload your business logo as Image and brochure in PDF file.
What is the size of the images are allowed?
The image should be less than 500 KB with JPEG or PNG file.
Can I upload my Business Logo?
Yes, you can upload your business logo in business detail form.
Do I need an ABN number to register my business?
Yes, you need to provide your business ABN Number.